Victims of Hurricane Sandy and Barack Obama’s Federal government’s incompetence in planning for and responding to the storm beg for help as feckless President poses for pictures in a puddle and callously returns to the campaign trail.
Harry Reid Hospitalized After Car Crash
Preliminary reports indicate that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been hospitalized at University Medical Center in Las Vegas after a 6-car automobile accident that happened just after 1PM local time (4PM ET) on a Nevada Interstate.
Sheldon Adelson And Wife Give Pro-Romney SuperPAC Another $10 Million
When you travel to Las Vegas, stay at the Venetian Resort. We owe Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam Ochsorn a solid no matter what happens.
Why Does Kathleen Kane Keep Claiming Endorsements She Hasn’t Gotten?
Democrat PA Attorney General candidate Kathleen Kane has claimed another endorsement that she actually hasn’t gotten.
Liberals Duped By (Another) Hate Crime Hoax
Just like they did when Bill Sparkman scrawled “Fed” upside-down on his own chest and hanged himself with his feet touching the ground in the Kentucky woods as part of an insurance scam, liberals early this week were quick to jump on a reported hate crime that didn’t happen to make a point against conservatives that doesn’t exist.
CBS This Morning Exposes The Real Mitt Romney
If only someone, somewhere watched CBS This Morning. This could be really helpful information for undecided voters to see.
Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims Post Massive Jump to 388,000
Romney and Smith Surge In New Pennsylvania Poll
Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and US Sentate candidate Tom Smith have both seen considerable surges in support among Pennsylvania voters over the last two weeks according to a new poll released by Quinnipiac University.
Dead: Arlen Specter (82)
Courier-Times Doesn’t Think Its News That Democrats Have Fled PA-8 Race
The Bucks County Courier-Times and sister paper Intelligencer are earning their place at the bottom of the bird cage this election season, most recently by embargoing news that the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee has pulled out of the 2012 Congressional race here, essentially conceding the race to Republican incumbent Mike Fitzpatrick.