Barack Obama’s teetering campaign has released an advertisement highlighting Mitt Romney’s debate promise to stop borrowing from China to subsidize the highly profitable non-profit Public Broadcasting System.
Cradle A Liberal: Romney Leads In PPP Poll For SEIU / Daily Kos
America is finally waking up to the man-caused disaster that is the failed presidency of Barack Obama and rejecting his effort to be reelected if today’s national PPP poll conducted for far-left web site Daily Kos and the union thugs at SEIU is accurate.
Disgusting: Obama Administration Ignored Requests For More Security In Libya
ABC News reports that a memo shows the Obama Administration ignored Ambassador Chris Steven’s requests for additional security in Libya prior to the September 11, 2012 terror attack in Benghazi that claimed the lives of Stevens and 3 other Americans.
Breaking: Mitt Romney CHEATED During Debate
The left thinks they found a smoking gun that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mitt Romney cheated during Wednesday night’s debate with failed President Barack Obama. Of course, only cheating could possibly explain how Romney totally decimated their light bringing messiah during the 90-minute showdown.
Labor Farce: Obama Decrees Unemployment Rate Under 8%
Although failed President Barack Obama’s disasterous economy added only 114,000 jobs in September, data manipulation by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed the top-line Unemployment Rate number falling to 7.8%.
Obama And Sebelius Cut Off Funding To Local Homeless Teens
Failed President Barack Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services, led by Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, has cut off funding for a local homeless teen program.
Slow Joe: Yes, Barack And I Do Want To Raise Taxes By $1 Trillion
Vice President Slow Joe Biden admitted Thursday that he and failed President Barack Obama want to raise taxes on Americans by $1 trillion dollars.
Oops: Obama Campaign Admits “$5 Trillion Dollar Tax Cut” Line Is A Lie
Although failed President Obama keeps running around saying that Mitt Romney wants blow a $5 trillion hole in the budget by giving away an unfunded tax cut, CNN, among others, has fact-checked that claim and judged it to be false, and Obama’s own campaign now admits the figure is a lie.
Lower Southampton Man Stabbed In Face Confronting Vandals
A Lower Southampton man was stabbed in the face after chasing down a group that had vandalized his mailbox.
CRASH: Big Talker Gets Smaller, WPHT-AM Sees Ratings Plunge
Ratings for Philadelphia’s 1210 WPHT-AM have shown steep decline after the station dropped syndicated conservative talkers Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and replaced them with squishy local moderates.
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