While pretending to be an Indian Princess, Elizabeth Warren appears to have also been practicing law as a pretend lawyer in Massachusetts. Although she has, at times, been licensed in Texas and New Jersey, it doesn’t look like she’s ever been licensed in Massachusetts, where she’s been running a practice out of her university office since the 1990s.
Jay Carney, You Lie: Al Qaeda Says Libya Consulate Attack Was Revenge For Killing
As the United States government detains a filmmaker for exercising his First Amendment right to create political and religious commentary, al Qaeda has come out and made clear that the September 11, 2012 attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya had nothing to do with his controversial film.
Obama Gets US Credit Rating Downgraded – Again
The United States credit ratings has been downgraded on Barack Obama’s watch – again – this time by ratings agency Egan-Jones from AA- to AA.
Watch Dr. Barbara Bellar Summarize Obamacare In One Sentence
Dr. Barbara Bellar, a state senate candidate from Illinois, manages to summarize the unpopular Obamacare tax scheme in one gloriously long and fantastically humorous sentence.
Watch Jennifer Granholm On The Dating Game In 1978
New video has surfaced of former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm, last seen giving an unhinged speech at the Democrat Convention, as a contestant on The Dating Game in 1978.
Obama Let Benghazi Security Slide After June IED Attack
Barack Obama did nothing to increase security at the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya after an IED attack in June, leaving the diplomats there wide open to a follow-up attack on September 11 that was aided by local Libyan officials and claimed 4 American lives.
Obama’s War On Middle Class Widens Rich / Poor Gap
Failed President Barack Obama says he’s a warrior for the mythical middle class, but recent data shows that household incomes have fallen dramatically since he took office and that the middle class has shrunken as the gap between rich and poor has grown.
US Government Outs Filmmaker Blamed For Muslim Behavior
Watch Barack Obama Politicize The Deaths Of US Troops During The 2008 Campaign
Supporters of the failed policies of Barack Obama, which got 4 diplomats killed in Libya this week, have pounced on challenger Mitt Romney for defending the American right to free speech after it came under assault by the Obama administration.
Jobless Claims Surge, Nearing 400,000
Weekly jobless claims spiked to 382,000 last week from an upwardly adjusted 367,000 the week before, topping analyst expectations by 12,000.