According to his publicly posted daily schedule, failed President Barack Obama skipped his intelligence briefings for the entire week proceeding the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
How’s That Arab Spring Going? US Embassy Stormed, Staff Apologizes To Thugs For Free Speech
As Obama-supported Muslim Brotherhood types in Egypt stormed the American embassy there proclaiming that there is no God and tore down the American flag , the embassy released a statement condemning those who would “hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.”
Surprise: Now Pedophilia Is Just Another Sexual Orientation Requiring Our Tolerance
Liberal touchstone site Gawker has let loose with a detailed, disgusting article arguing that pedophilia is just another sexual orientation deserving of our “tolerance.”
You Didn’t Build That: CNN Blows A Hole In Obama’s 4.5 Million Job Lie
Failed President Barack Obama has become fond of saying that 4.5 million jobs have been created during his disasterous Presidency. It’s a line that was parroted dozens of times during the first night of the televised clown parade otherwise known as the 2012 Democrat Convention.
Greedy Fools Congregate In Bristol, Patrick Murphy Shows Up
At first glance it may seem like a meeting of the worst performing Weight Watchers support group ever, but it’s really a gathering of a bunch of greedy liberals from the welfare state sections of Bucks County to demand that hard-working Americans pay their way.
Thieves Steal Dog From Falls Policeman’s Yard
Thieves stole Seiger, a 5-year-old Belgian Malinois, from the yard of Falls police Sergeant Sven Beauchmin Tuesday afternoon.
MSNBC Loon O’Donnell: Referencing His Excessive Golf Is An Attempt To Tie Obama To Tiger Woods
I was not at all enthusiastic about last night’s GOP Convention lineup, but it appears I was incorrect in my assessment.
PA Democrat Lawmaker Arrested For Punching, Choking Wife, Then Driving Away Drunk
Lehigh Democrat State Representative Joe Brennan won’t be running for re-election after he was arrested for allegedly punching and choking his wife and wrestling her to the ground on the front porch of their house before driving away from the scene drunk.
Remember How Paul Ryan Was Going To Lose Florida For Romney?
Remember how all the usual liberal suspects were crowing that, by choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate, Mitt Romney had killed his chances at ever carrying the senior-rich state of Florida?
Hate Crime Redefined: Leaving Food In A Public Park
It used to be that, to be charged with a hate crime, someone had to wind up with the stuffing beaten out of them or at least have their property damaged in some way.