The Unemployment Rate under Barack Obama’s dismal economy rose to 8.3% in July, marking Obama’s 41st month of Unemployment over 8%.
Harry Reid Has Yet To Address Charges He Is A Pederast
Despite calls for comment, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has remained silent so far on charges that he is a pederast. Reid fled Washington DC this evening to return to his secluded home in Nevada.
Democrat +14 Poll Shows Obama With Only 10 Point Lead
Obamanomics: Jobless Claims Rise Again
Barack Obama’s stagnant economy saw first-time jobless claims rise again, up to 365,000 last week.
Had My First Ever Chick-fil-a Meal Tonight
So, despite a drive-thru line wrapped around the building, I braved the wait and had my first Chick-fil-a meal tonight. The place was nuts, and this was at 8:30 PM.
Harkin: Catholic Church Must Pay For The Pill Due To Cramps
According known Democrat liar Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, the Catholic Church must go against their faith and pay for contraception, sterilization and abortion pills for all employees because some women suffer from “terrible menstrual cramps once a month.”
Obama To Tax Olympic Gold Medalists Up To $9,000
Olympic medalists must add the value of their actual medal as well as their prize money to their taxable income and fork over up to 35% of what they won representing America at the 2012 London Olympic Games according to Americans for Tax Reform.
Harry Reid Launches Personal Attack On Mitt Romney Over Father
The US Senate’s head scumbag Harry Reid launched a personal attack on Mitt Romney in an interview with the ultra-left web site Huffington Post today, saying Mitt Romney’s father George would be “embarrassed about his son.”
NBC Interviews Evander Holyfield, Doesn’t Know Who He Is
NBC interviewed boxing legend Evander Holyfield at the 2012 London Olympics during the Today show on Monday, but had no idea who he was. He was interviewed about the Opening Ceremony as just another tourist walking around London.
Violent Illegal Aliens Being Freed Under Obama’s ‘Dream’ Scheme
Illegal aliens accused of violent crimes are being set free by simply claiming to qualify for Barack Obama’s illegal Dream Act amnesty plan according to government whistle blowers.